Monday, March 12, 2007

Fellowship.... we are not alone.

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is Fellowship.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines fellowship as:

1. The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality. b. The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms. 2. A close association of friends or equals sharing similar interests. 3. Friendship; comradeship.

In this day and age it's not always easy to find those whom we can truly have fellowship with. Quite often the people we find ourselves around don't share our beliefs, ideals, or interests. We find true fellowship with others who have the same fellowship with our Lord Jesus.

This fellowship we have with God consist in knowing His will, an agreement with His designs, an enjoyment of His presence, and conformity to His image. Often we try to establish fellowship with those who neither know His will, agree with His designs, know of His presence, nor are they attempting to conform to His image.

Though it may be hard to find fellowship in your workplace or even your neighborhood, God in His wisdom has established a place where it can be found - His Church. Having a church home is paramount for good fellowship. We need to be around others of like mind and actions.

We have Christ's promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us, but we need human fellowship also. We need others who care about us, and about whom we can care. Again I encourage you to find a place of worship that you can call you own - we all need a church home. Don't delay - seek your home today.

We'll talk....

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