Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blasphemy.... challenge?

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is Blasphemy. (blās'fə-mē)
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the noun blasphemy as:
1. a. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity.
2. An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

Last night (Jan. 30, 2007) the ABC program 'Nightline' featured a story about a group of young people who have created a website which offers a so-called "Blasphemy Challenge".

To enter, you make a video of yourself blaspheming God - specifically the Holy Spirit. The first 1001 entries will receive a DVD.

Kind of reminds me of the lyrics - 'Would you like to swing on a star and carry moonbeams home in a jar.... or would you rather be a pig?' - a real no-brainer there! Are we truly so far gone that we feel compelled to tempt God? It speaks to the corrupt nature of the flesh that we would seek out the unpardonable sin.

True blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is to deny His pleas to us to the very end of our lives. If we don't heed His call while there is blood running warm through our veins, then there is no help for us. We are eternally lost.

Many people say they don't believe this is true. God allows you that freedom of thought, but He tells you the consequence of your decision also - eternal damnation. Truly it's not our sins which will condemn us, it is our lack of faith. Through Jesus Christ we can receive forgiveness of sin, but without faith we can't receive Jesus Christ.

What is to be gained in blasphemy against God? Is it truly a badge of praise today to be counted among the God-less? Is ANY DVD that valuable? Is fifteen minutes of fame worth an eternity of damnation?

Friends, hold fast to the faith. Pray for the decieved. Live for Christ. We are God's testimony in the flesh:
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

We'll talk....

Monday, January 29, 2007

Salvation.... ain't that an army?

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is Salvation.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the noun salvation as:
  1. Deliverance from the power or penalty of sin; redemption.
  2. The agent or means that brings about such deliverance.
As Christians, we believe that salvation is the gift of God to those who believe on His son Jesus Christ. It is our faith in Jesus that sets us free from sin and death.

Now, this faith is a progressive thing. It requires that I stay in it. I demonstrate my faith in Jesus by living the precepts He taught:
John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

Many people delude themselves that they have salvation - based on a passing knowledge of the reality of Christ. But true citizenship in the kingdom of God requires a true relationship with His Son.

Check yourself today, is your relationship strong? Is your faith sure? Do you really know Him?

Knowledge of Christ, without a Christian lifestyle is not a way to please God. Neither is a Christian lifestyle without a true relationship with Christ. In other words - they fail who claim to know Christ yet live as heathen. And they also fail who live as Christians but have no real relationship with Jesus.

Make no mistake your salvation hinges on faith in and relationship with Jesus Christ, all else is imaginary salvation.

Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

We'll talk....

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Affirmation.... Accentuate The Positive

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is Affirmation. (āf'ər-mā'shən)
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the noun affirmation as:
Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.

I changed the format of this blog to a word a day for a good reason. That reason is - the power of the words we use. The more negative words we use, the more negative we tend to become. Our vocabularies reflect our state of mind, and influence the state of mind of others.

Words are powerful tools, they can be useful to our up building (as in compliments) or destructive to our souls (as in cursings). Remember that scripture tells us that God spoke the world into existence!

A limited vocabulary can be very dangerous to our growth, if we have more negative words in our vocabulary than positive. But, it's also important that we know what the words that we use mean. Quite often misunderstandings happen simply because we don't really know what we've said, or what others are saying to us.

As we arm ourselves with both words and understanding, we can be a positive force to those around us. Choose your words carefully. Never stop learning new ones, and make sure you understand the words you use.

Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

We'll talk

Friday, January 26, 2007

'U Can't Touch This"

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is a phrase - 'U can't touch this'
It was popularized by M. C. Hammer in the 90's. but it holds a truth that goes far beyond what he intended.

When applied to our spirit, it helps us recognize who we really are. None of our true self can be touched. When we look in a mirror all that we see is an image of our bodies - not an image of our spirits.

This song, taken in a spiritual sense, reminds us to separate our flesh from our spirit. It reminds us that there is much more to us than the eye can see, or the hand can touch.

We provide for our flesh daily - and not just once a day, but continually all day long. If we are hungry - we eat, cold - we find heat, thirsty - we find drink, sleepy - we sleep, and on and on providing the things our flesh requires.

We provide for our souls daily - and not just once a day, but all day long. If we are bored - we find entertainment, ignorant - we gain knowledge, feeling creative - we seek the arts, and on and on providing the things our souls require.

Ah, but the spirit? This truest part of us (our spirits) many of us provide for only in bursts and spurts, not daily and hardly all day long. Sometimes our spirits are only fed for a couple of hours on Sunday morning.
And we wonder why we feel restless and weak!

Clothes will never clothe my spirit, an earthly mansion can never house it, physical food will never feed it, earthly pleasure will never give it joy.

My spirit?

'U can't touch this!'

We'll talk....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Oblivious.... ain't it bliss?

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is Oblivious. (ə-blĭv'ē-əs)
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the adjective oblivious as:
  1. Lacking all memory; forgetful.
  2. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.
Do you attend church? Do you read your Bible? Do you have an active prayer life? Or are you oblivious to the need for these things?

One of my pet peeves is driving behind a vehicle when the police are around. When people don't know the traffic laws - and they see the police - they start making up laws. They do 25mph in a 40mph zone, they stand at yield signs as if they were stop signs, they turn on their turn signals blocks before they turn.
They can't help it, they just don't know the law.

Many of us live our spiritual lives this same way. We don't know what God requires of us, so we make up some personal laws to keep Him happy. We justify ourselves by our own standards, and feel that what we think is right God will think is right.
We are oblivious to God's truth.

We live like folks dancing on the deck of the Titantic - oblivious to our fate. We don't need God, we don't need church, we don't need prayer.... until the ship begins to sink.

Ah, what a fool believes....
Don't ignore the call of Christ, don't be oblivious to the gift of the cross.
I Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

We'll talk....

(don't forget to visit my NEW Blog about music, news, and the internet at: Elegant Thoughts)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tenacious.... I won't let go.

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is Tenacious. (tə-nā'shəs)
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the adjective tenacious as:
  1. Holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view.
  2. Holding together firmly; cohesive
  3. Clinging to another object or surface; adhesive
  4. Tending to retain; retentive
'Hold fast', 'Don't give up', these are phrases that call for tenacity or a tenacious spirit. The tenacious person won't let anything move them away from the principles they hold.

In this day and age it's hard to find people who hold fast to the principles of God. Oh, people are tenacious alright - but they tend to hold fast to their point of view, not God's.
There is a great need for tenacious Christians today. 'Go with the flow' often leads to a quick trip over a cliff. We have to learn to stand for what we believe.
The writer of Hebrews put it this way:
Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Hold fast.

We'll talk....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Empathy... I feel you.

The soundtrack

Let's talk....

Today's word is Empathy. (ěm'pə-thē)
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the noun Empathy as:
  1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.
  2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.
One of the key benefits of friendship is empathy. A true friend feels what you feel, and tries to understand what you are going through. But you don't even have to know a person to empathize with them. In fact, empathy gains great strength when it is applied to people we don't know.

To extend our love and concern to those that we know is usually not that hard, the stretch comes in extending those same feelings to those we don't know - even those we don't like....
Scripture calls on us to treat our enemies and friends the same - Jesus said:
Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Empathy requires us to "walk a mile" in the other person's shoes. It requires that we 'Do unto others, as we would have them do unto you'. In these modern times what a silly thought....
Yet, it is the way to a full life and one pleasing in God's sight.

Great changes occur when people have great concern. When we have little or no concern about what others are going through, we sit back and allow injustice to reign. I agree with the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. whom I'll paraphrase here:
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!"
But it takes more than just a knowing of injustice to make us move, it takes a feeling of injustice - as if it were actually happening to us to really get us moving.

Set your heart today to empathize with those who are 'going through'. Help where you can, pray because we must, love because He loved us.

We'll talk....

Monday, January 22, 2007

Apathy.... so who cares?

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is APATHY.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the noun Apathy as:
  1. Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.
  2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness.
In this day and age it's very easy to fall into a state of apathy. So many things happen around us each day that we - sometimes without even knowing it - harden ourselves to our surroundings.
The news is full of tragedy, mayhem, and turmoil, and we tend to defend ourselves from all of this by not really taking things to heart.

When we take a "Be happy" approach to the realities of life, tyrants thrive. We often confuse feeling with worrying, they are not the same! While we should not "worry" we must feel. Wicked men reign when opposition is crushed and others just don't care, it's the perfect recipe for disaster.

We must not let ourselves become indifferent to the plight of others, Scripture enjoins us to share each other's joy and pain:
Romans 12:15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

Ready your heart today to share another's hurt. Ready yourself to enjoy another's good fortune.
Open your heart to life. Pray for the strength to feel!

We'll talk....

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Praise.... Get yours on!

The Soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is PRAISE.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines praise as -
1. Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration.
2. The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero.

In our praise we show our approval, commendation, and admiration for God.
Not that He needs any of this from us, rather we need to participate in praise in order to feel the true joy of the Lord.

Worship and praise are the bread and butter of the Christian life. Without them we die.
As we express our adoration of God we feel His presence and receive the "joy of our salvation".
Praise is not an option. If you haven't been giving God the praise due to Him - don't even hesitate - Praise Him NOW!

Praise is not about how we feel. Too often we only want to give God praise when we feel He has done something great in our lives. But true praise of God is a recognition of who He is. It is a declaration that He is great, not just One who does great things.

So, find your quiet place. Shut out the cares of the world. Make your flesh get quiet. Open your spirit and adore the maker of Heaven and Earth, the sustainer of your soul, the captain of your salvation, Christ your passover, the way, the truth, and the life.

Give God some Praise!

We'll Talk....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Joy.... it can be yours

The Soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is JOY. defines the noun JOY as: the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.

Joy comes to us when we get excited about something good. Rehearsing the good things that have happened in our lives can be a source of joy.
When we remember blessings we have received, and the promises that we have it should bring us joy.

Scripture tells us that there was a time when the children of Israel had lost remembrance of the law. But it was found, and read aloud to all the people by Ezra the priest.
When they heard it, and understood it - they wept.
They were instructed by Nehemiah not to weep, but to rejoice:
Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

This is the greatest joy - The Joy Of The Lord!
It is as we reflect on His goodness, think of His greatness, and meditate on His word, that we receive this great joy:
The Joy of the Lord is your strength!

We'll talk....

Friday, January 19, 2007

Faith.... hows yours?

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

Today's word is FAITH.

Faith is the principle possessions of a spiritual life.
Scripture tells us that without it, it is impossible to please God.
Faith is unshakable. If it can be moved - it's not truly faith.

Faith is a surrender to those things that God has promised, it says "Let God be true, and every man a liar."
Once we establish what we have faith in, we can move confidently towards our goals.

We discover our faith when we face adversity. It is in those trying times that we find out what we really believe. Life is the 'proving ground' for faith - It will find you out. Life will surely challenge you and help you discover what you believe.

This testing is good, it shows us ourselves and grants us the opportunity to grow. Through this testing of our faith we discover who we really are, not who we - or others - think we are. Sometimes what we find in ourselves is heartbreaking, and sometimes what we find is joyful. But it's always our authentic self we find.

A young couple was having a discussion, the wife had heard some stories about her husband and was questioning him about them. Before he would give an answer he asked "Who are you going to believe, me or them?" It may seem a defensive question, but it really is the foundational question that God asks us - "Who are you going to believe?"

It truly doesn't matter WHAT God says - if we are unwilling to believe Him. Faith is our spirit's simple declaration - "Yes God, I believe YOU!"

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Has life tried YOUR faith?
In the comments link below, leave the name of something you trusted God in faith for and got!
We'll talk....

Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Format!

Today I begin a New Format, each day I'll be highlighting a new word. It may be a single word, or it may be a phrase or quotation.

It is my hope that at the end of the year, you and I will have a learned something!

I'll keep the soundtrack:

The Vince Guaraldi Trio - "Cast Your Fate To The Winds"


Let's talk....

Today's Word is a quotation:

"You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions." by Adlin Sinclair

Here is a great key to successful living. When we realize that who we are is determined not by what we wish we believe, but by what we actually believe - we move towards a greater understanding of ourselves.

So many failures occur in our lives because we don't really believe first, and then act. Rather, we act and then hope that the results will inspire belief. When the results come in negative, we assume that what ever it was we were looking for was just not for us. We are rarely honest enough to say - "I really just didn't believe it would happen."

Scripture speaks to this - there was a man whose son was possessed by a demon. This man had taken his son to the disciples of Jesus looking for a cure, but they couldn't drive the demon out.
Desperate, he searched out Jesus and pleaded for help. Jesus rebuked the demon and healed the boy. His disciples afterward questioned Jesus privately: "Why couldn't we drive out the demon?"
Mat 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Only believe....

We'll Talk....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Where Is Thy Sting?

The soundtrack:

Let's talk....

On my way this morning to the funeral of a good man.

I once heard it said that the death of an elder is like burning down a library - So many good things get lost.

When I was young I took the company of good people for granted, but as the years go on I treasure their presence (the world isn't full of good people you know).

So today I ask you to join with me in prayer for the Mason family, and for all those who have lost a loved one.

I Corinthians 15:55 O Death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (56) The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. (57) But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We'll talk....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Michael Brecker.... Too Soon Gone....

The soundtrack:

Let's talk

Just found out today that Jazz saxophonist Michael Brecker passed this past Saturday.

Together with his brother, trumpeter Randy in the early seventies they formed the group The Brecker Brothers. They were among my favorite groups back then and I still have great love and respect for their work.

The sountrack today, "Pick Up The Pieces" is from the 1974 album 'AWB' by the Average White Band. Michael and his brother played on this album and many others as sidemen.

'Back in the day', there were only a few horn sections that made a record worth listening to. If Tower Of Power horns were on a song, it was worth checkin' out. If the Brecker Brothers were on it, oh yeah, check it out. Likewise with James Browns' Horny Horns and Earth, Wind, and Fire.

Those early years were just the start though. It was later on that Michael Brecker really began to exercise his chops. Listen to any of his solo CDs and you'll hear a serious musician at work.

Michael Brecker will surely be missed. He was an inspiration to me as a studio sideman, and then later in life he inspired me with his thoughtful phraseology and technique.

I remember seeing him on a PBS show working with young music students. I could feel the warmth of his personality even from that distance. And I admired his dedication to his craft, and the perpetuation of the jazz tradition.

Michael Brecker - 57 years.... too soon gone.

We'll talk....

Monday, January 15, 2007

Martin Luther King Jr.

Let's talk....

It's Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday today, and it's cold and rainy here in Detroit.

The soundtrack....

Just a day of reflection on the life of a truly great man....
Rest in peace Dr. King....

We'll talk....

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

Let's talk....

First the soundtrack....

It's party time in New Orleans. well not IN New Orleans, but FOR New Orleans. The Saints are one game away from going to the Super Bowl!

Last week there was a march in New Orleans to protest the rise in crime there, and now and then you may hear a report about the efforts to rebuild the city, but we in America have a short attention span. We tire of bad news and hunger for something that will make us - not them - feel good.

Don't get me wrong, it's great that this team is going to the NFC championship game for the first time in their franchise's history, but is this suppose to be vindication for the way we failed that city?

I get this picture in my head of President Bush surrounded by smiling members of the Saints, and that catch phrase of the champions - "I'm going to Disneyland!"

Now of course the Super Bowl will be held in South Florida on Feb. 4th, not in New Orleans no matter what the outcome and shouldn't we be happy about some good news for NOLA?

Remember a team is not a city, and a city that can celebrate the success of the rich while ignoring the plight of the poor is a city with confused priorities.

AP - that's the Associated Press put it this way on,
"Who needs Mardi Gras when you're one game from the Super Bowl?" - well a lot of folks there didn't feel they needed Mardi Gras this past year, and I'm not sure that the Saints in the Super Bowl is a comfort to the many displaced and still struggling victims of Katrina....

On the other hand maybe that's whats wrong with our Iraq policy. Maybe we ought to start a football team in Baghdad. Yeah, that's the ticket.... I can see it now > Super Bowl XLII - the Detroit Lions against the Baghdad Bombers.... who needs a jihad when you're one game from the Super Bowl?

But hey, put on your rose colored glasses - What A Wonderful World....

We'll talk....

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Stranger Danger

Let's talk....

Well, it's Saturday and time to relax with an old time radio story....
This story is a reminder that we don't always know who we're dealing with.

It struck home with me because in the late '70's I moved on the outer edge of some pretty dangerous characters here in Detroit. Some are dead now, some still in prison. Thank God I never got quite close enough to any of them to be involved in any of their schemes. Still, sometimes I wonder just what might have been on their minds....

The first 4 minutes of this piece are introduction, then the story starts. It's by a guy named Jack Hitt, and it's called "The Super" - it's about 20 or so minutes long. There are two stories in the broadcast, but it's the only the first one that I'm recommending. The voices might be kind of hard to take, but the story's worth it....

You can find the story here at This American Life. Just click on the link and look for the above picture on the page.

If you want to hear it streaming, just click the icon on that page.
If you want to download it free, just click the icon on that page.

We'll talk....

Friday, January 12, 2007

What's Going On?

First the soundtrack:

Let's talk

Every now and then here in Detroit we get a kind of crazy crime wave. This has been one of those weeks. Just about every day there has been a cruelly sad story of man's inhumanity to man.

The first one I remember was about a body found behind an abandoned house on the east side. It seems the body had been there for a few days and yet none of the neighbors had called 911 or anybody to have the body removed. They said that they feared retribution. Now, that speaks to the value we place on human life, and the respect we have for the dead.

Then the true heartbreaker for me was the murder of a young man as he slept in his own bed, beside his wife. This young man was the father of a two year old daughter and four young sons. The authorities think that he was killed because he might have witnessed a double-homicide at a night club this past weekend....

I was listening to this song - "What's Going On", and I couldn't help but feel like it was written just yesterday. I looked for a newer song to play with this article, but none spoke more to the sadness of our present condition than this old song.

Trying not to preach here, but truly Love IS the answer. And the only answer, cure, and solution to our problems.

This record was released in 1971 - that's 35 years ago - and we're still dealing with the same old stuff! Now, that's truly a shame....

But, we have to lift our heads, dry our eyes and keep on moving. There is a brighter day promised....

We'll talk....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bush Unveils New Plan For Iraq

Let's talk

The soundtrack of the day.... (Please press play before reading further)

Remember the story of the Emperor's New Clothes? Sure you do, it's about two scoundrels - (we'll call them Cheney and Wolfowitz) who convince this vain emperor (we'll call him George) that they can spin gold so fine that it can only be seen by those of impeccable taste - they say the material will be invisible to the stupid, ignorant and incompetent.

Well, after fleecing the kingdom into trillions of dollars of debt (let's call this scheme Haiburton) they have the emperor parade around in front of his subjects in that invisible suit.

Now, no one wants to appear stupid, ignorant or incompetent so everyone raves about the beauty of his majesty's suit. Then one young boy (we'll call him John Q. Public) hollers out: "He's naked!"
It shocks the crowd - though it's what they were all already thinking. Soon voice after voice repeated the young boy's refrain - "He's naked!" but the emperor was unable to admit his error. He continued his parade all the way back to the palace....

The moral? Once your folly has been exposed, it's better to admit your mistake and find a real solution rather than increase the level of spin....

Well, now that that's out of my system.... I pray for the troops who are doing their duty. These young men and women, who are so full of potential and promise, are being subjected daily to horrors we here can not truly imagine.

No one should have to endure the fear, danger, and threat to life that these folks endure each and every day - unless the cause is truly just.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in 2002 speaking about the planned invasion of Iraq warned President Bush: 'You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people,' he told the president. 'You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You'll own it all.' It was called the "you break it, you own it" or "Pottery Barn" policy (from Wikipedia). Well, it's broken.... Lets all pray for a fix that works....

Quick quiz - can you spell Escalate? It's an old phrase last used in connection with a place called Vietnam. It involves trying to put out a fire by applying more fuel. It didn't work then and guess what?....

Today - let the Java wait, no Slippers today, And That Comfortable Spot is kind of hard to find....

We'll talk....

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hath Charm To Soothe....

Let's talk....

We need a soundtrack for this conversation so:

This has been such a warm winter that I almost forgot what real winter was like. Usually, here in Detroit, we would have been through two or three deep snows by now. I was complaining about how unnaturally warm it was - until yesterday.

Suddenly the the real winter weather arrived, now sitting here with the sniffles, I'm reminiscing about a love of mine who has gone away for a season.... Summertime!

So, I thought I'd share some music with you today to help you and I get over these winter blues.

I'm really looking forward to this summer in Detroit. Seems we're finally getting the hang of doing great festivals. Downtown is coming back to life, and the River Walk from downtown to Belle Isle is supposed to be finished by then.

Since the countdown to summer has already begun, and there are only 5 months and a few days till summer's start - June 23, 2007. We might as well start getting ready.

The song we're listening to as we converse is "Summertime" by Herbie Hancock, with Joni Mitchell singing from his 1998 CD 'Gershwin's World'. (That's Wayne Shorter on the horn, and Stevie Wonder on the harmonica.)

Take a few minutes and listen to the whole track, escape the grayness of winter and let your mind go back to the days of short sleeves, shorts, flip-flops, and barbecue....

These songs are just a reminder of what is coming.... Enjoy....

You know the drill by now.... JSATCS!

The Beatles with "Here Comes The Sun"

Earl Klugh - "Once Upon A Summertime"

Michael Franks - "Lady Wants To Know" (a summer night song)

Earth, Wind and Fire - "Fantasy"

And of course, anything from 'Authentic'

We'll talk....

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Be Yourself!

Let's talk....
There's an old story that I heard from the late great Sydney J. Harris who used to write a column that was carried in the Detroit Free Press. It was about an actor who was working with a touring company, but got stranded in a small town when the show closed.

Soon this actor ran out of money - his only talent was acting, and there were no plays running in that small town. Desperation began to set in when he received an eviction notice at his hotel. The actor had to find some cash, and fast!

While walking aimlessly down the street and pondering his troubles, he bumped into a man and began to apologize for his carelessness. The man assured him it was alright, and then a flash of recognition crossed his face:

"Hey, aren't you the guy who was in that play awhile back?"
"Yes." responded the actor "That was me."
"Why, I loved your acting! What are you in now?" the stranger asked.
"Right now, I'm kind of between jobs if you know what I mean." replied the actor.
"Hey, if you've got a few minutes I've got a proposition for you that might help you out." stated the stranger.

Well, it turns out that this man owned the local Zoo, and because it was a small town there wasn't much money for big attractions. He said he would pay the actor $50.00 a week to dress up in a costume and pose as a Gorilla. The thought wounded the actor's pride, but the thought of the cash....

So, soon the actor was in place at the Zoo. At first he didn't know quite what to do, but as the children began to gather - the "ham" in him began to come out.
Soon he was the main attraction at the Zoo. The folks loved him.

One day (feeling particularly "hammy") he tried a stunt he'd never tried before - he leaped from the low 'monkey-bars' all the way up to the highest.... and he almost made it, but his grip slipped as he tried to catch that top bar and he tumbled over the wall of his cage and landed smack in the middle of the cage next door. The Lions cage!

When he shook himself and realized where he was, he began to holler - "Help! Help!". It was then he looked up and saw a huge Lion swiftly approaching him, franticly he hollered - "HELP! HELP!" but no help was to be found. His heart trembled in his body as he lifted his eyes into those of the Lion. Then he heard the Lion speak these words:

"Shut up fool! You'll get us all fired!"

The moral of this story is that whoever you are will surely come out when you're in the Lion's Den. Be yourself and you'll never have to worry about betraying your character....

This morning's song - "Video" by India Arie from the 2001 CD 'Acoustic Soul' another reminder to be yourself.... and treasure the you that God made.


We'll talk....

Monday, January 8, 2007

Inside the Detroit Auto Show!

(a cynical view)
Let's talk
Thanks to a press pass for Internet Bloggers, this morning I was able to get behind the scenes of the 2007 Detroit International Auto Show!
Man, the cars are great. Cobo hall never looked better, and the people here are all full of excitement.

I thought I might get to see some of the Big Hollywood Celebrities that came for the gala opening, but alas, they had all left. I talked with an Auto Show staffer though who had seen them off. He told me they all had a great time. He even quoted one star who gave the general opinion of the others:
"I'll certainly be back next year! I can't say enough about the Direct Deposit hook-up they have here! Usually you have to wait around a day or so for your check, but thanks to Direct Deposit I did my little runway deal and I can be back in Hollywood for breakfast - cash in the bank! And I hear that if things keep going down-hill for the US automakers, next year they might even have a pre-paid deal going!"

I missed the $1,000 a ticket grand gala, but I hear it was a spectacular success. They say the house was packed. I understand that the only area that wasn't packed was the small section marked "Inner-City Only", where only a few rather nefarious, yet colorful, characters were seated. Though I hear their "grills" rivaled that of the new Lincoln Mark 8. And I'm told that there was more sparkle in that section then on the showplace floor....

I caught up with one of the heads of a local news outlet, though I didn't catch his name. He gave me his outlook on the affair:
"Man am I glad the Auto Show is here! It looked like we were going to have to go into the details of all those school closings, and those bothersome stories about murders, robberies, and that Iraq thing. But thanks to the Auto Show - we can stick all that junk on the tail end of the newscast at last! Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I love it when the news is happy. Great break this Auto Show!"

I even got to question a few Auto Executives about the great new production cars on display. I asked one if he thought these cars would sell well in light of all the plant closures and lay offs that have been announced in the past year. He smiled at me and in a fatherly way said:
"Son, we're automakers - not credit counselors. Our job is to make you want them, not help you afford them! "

Still, for an affair held in what Oprah Winfrey last year called the poorest big city in America, this has got to be a great way to spend a hundred or so million dollars.

Outside, I was stopped by a homeless man who grabbed my arm and demanded popcorn. I was caught off guard, but explained that I didn't have any. Seems he was ticked-off with the Auto Show being held at Cobo Hall instead of spread throughout downtown. Said he:
"Last year at the 'Super Bowl' we got to see free movies and eat free popocorn till the out-of-towners left - what's up wit this?"

I could only console him with the thought that if more hype is needed to move these cars - more hype will come. But I cautioned him that with the way the economy is heading, soon there might be more of us eating free popcorn and watching free movies than inside these affairs, so enjoy being in the minority.... while it lasts....

This morning's song - "Wish I Could Have All I See" by The Poor Of Detroit on the 2007 CD "Crime, Corruption, and Spectacle" no, seriously - "Inner City Blues" by the late Marvin Gaye from the 1971 CD (actually it was an 'album') 'What's Going On'
you know the drill - JSATCS!:

Still, I'll see you there when the doors open to the public this weekend...
We'll talk....

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Sunday morning....
this used to be the time to read the local newspaper, eat a little breakfast and head to church. Then it was time to head home, eat that Sunday dinner (MMmmm) and kick back for the rest of the day.

But for many of us today, Sunday is just another day on the merry-go-round. Time to catch up on all the things we were supposed to do last week, and get a head-start on the coming week. When did we forget how to stop running?

Take a few minutes with me and let's slow the pace down.

First, enjoy this calming poem: If by Rudyard Kipling.

Second, relax with this beautiful photography - let's go visit the French Alps (use the arrows in the upper right hand corner to move around).

Now, This morning's song - "Angel Of The South" by Acoustic Alchemy from the CD 'The Beautiful Game' released in 2000. And I'll make it easy today, just click the play button below:

and if you want to really get laid back today, have your dinner and then JSATCS and spend a hour and a half with this old thriller:

We'll talk....

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Congress Moves To Raise Minimum Wage!

Yes my friends, the Democrats have arrived. There'll be pomp and circumstance, shouts and arguments about the 'little man'. A grand hoop-la about the 'working poor'. Charts, reports, committee meetings, briefings, tours, footage of Mighty Congress-people with the down and out.

Oh, and then finally a Bill.

Just thought I'd remind you though, a Bill is NOT a Law. Here's a lesson I learned years ago, It's a cute way to put it, but it's the truth....

So, don't run out and celebrate just yet, about the minimum wage or any other great project you may think is on the way. Learn a lesson from nature - no path is clear as long as there are still Bushes in the way....

On this day in 1973 "Schoolhouse Rock" made it's debut on ABC.
On this day in 1993 we lost one of the giants of Jazz - Dizzy Gillespie (Click on his name to read more about him.)

This morning's song -
"Once In A While" by Dizzy Gillespie with Milt Jackson.
Don't know when this was shot, but it's eight and a half minutes in the life of two jazz greats.
Jsacts and enjoy....

We'll talk....

Friday, January 5, 2007

Ah, The Things We Take For Granted....

Let's talk....
I have lived long enough to see a lot of changes, and now and then I look back and wonder at the many things we now take for granted. I'm talking about the technological advances we enjoy each and every day without thinking about them.

Take the simple cell phone. I still remember phone booths! Kind of makes the expression "Drop a dime." useless today (it use to mean using a pay-phone to call someone). My daughters sometimes call each other on their cell phones - from the living room to the bedroom....

Just a few years ago it was a dream to be able to see just about any movie you wanted to at home and on a large screen with 5.1 Dolby surround sound, today we complain about finding the right one as we carry our portable DVD players to the Video store....

Anybody remember when the 'Video Store' was the place to be? Renting VHS tapes to play in your new $200 machine (that sells for $20 today)? And when was the last time you bragged about your car having Power Steering, or Power Brakes? Remember film? For you that don't - it was something we used to put in cameras to take pictures with....

And yes Virginia, we used to physically put a key in the door of a car to unlock it....

Anyway.... I ran across this funny article about ripping vinyl records. You know how you burn CD's today - How you stick that CD you borrowed from a friend into one machine and stick a blank CD into the other then let the software copy the store bought CD onto your $1 blank?
Well, when I was coming up it wasn't quite that easy.... check it out
How To Rip Vinyl
Now the next time you see an old guy with a pick-up truck full of drums of liquid plastic and silicone, you'll know what's up!

Now, here's a clip of one of the most under-rated yet spectacular bass players around - and he's from Detroit too. The one and only Victor Wooten with a favorite of mine:

truly an amazing player.... this vid is was shot in France in mid 2006.

This morning's song
- "Got Till It's Gone" by Gene Dunlap from the 2002 CD 'Tales Of The Phatman' just a reminder to appreciate what we have right now, it will all soon enough change. I've got a link to a lo-fi sample of this song, if you don't have it. Just click on - "Got Till It's Gone", then scroll down to the track title.

Oh, and just in case you didn't know - you can leave your comments by clicking on the word "comment" at the bottom of this post....

So, Jsatcs!

We'll talk....

Thursday, January 4, 2007

This Just In!

Hey now, check it out! Thought you might have seen this and need the links.... so, here they are:

We'll talk

It's A Video Day

Let's talk....
I thought that today would be a video day, so I'll post a few videos for you to enjoy. I also found a great place to explore music, it's called It's a lot like Pandora, but you don't have to sign up to start listening. You just type in the name of an artist you like and will begin playing songs in the style of that artist. I like the feature that allows you to play the station in a pop-up window so you can minimize it, and keep on browsing. To try it out click here -

Now, the first video - Norah Jones' 2002 hit "Don't Know Why"

This next video is a little older, but still a great song, and an example of the diversity of the genre Smooth Jazz. Check out the laid-back sax work on this song. It's "Englishman In New York" by Sting:

This last video is a fun take on an old song by Ray Charles, the video is silly, but it's a great song. If you haven't seen the movie 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles' with Steve Martin and the late John Candy, you ought to - the scene where John Candy sings along with this song is hilarious!

This morning's song - "Mas Que Nada" by Marc Antoine on the 2001 CD Crusin'. This song was made famous by Sergio Mendes and Brazil '66, but I think Marc has the better version. Sergio also did a version in 2006 with the Black-eyed Peas - still no competition.

So, Jsatcs....

We'll talk....

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Something I Found In The Old Treasure Chest

Let's talk....
I'm running late, late. late today! So, I had to dig into the old treasure chest and find something for you to listen to as your day winds down. I thought I'd steer you to an old favorite of mine - The Yellowjackets!
This group has been one of the bands I love since the first time I heard them in the early 90's.
Always interesting and fresh, these gentlemen don't get half the attention that they deserve.

This evenings song
- "Man Facing North" from the 1994 CD 'Like A River', this is one of the songs I love to hear when I'm out on Belle Isle in the summer. It's also one I like to play on quiet days at home....

So, Java, Slippers, And That Comfortable Spot - Jsatcs!
Now that you're ready, click Yellowjackets
Choose the song "Man Facing North", and enjoy.

We'll talk....

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Hello, Pork-pie Hat!

Let's talk....
Outside of the musical instruments themselves, nothing says Jazz like a Pork-pie hat, the hat of choice by greats like Lester Young. I've been listening to some old forties Swing-Jazz, and wondering what it must have been like to see those guys play. In a way I'm glad I wasn't born back then because now I can look back on that time through rose-colored glasses. I can see them as romantic times, not the hard times they truly were.

But Ah, those great big, shiny cars. The top hat and cane. The streets lined with club after club with hot jazz streaming out the doors.

Louis Jordan and his hard-headed woman Caldonia:

Yeah, those were the days....

This morning's song.... "Hi-Heeled Sneakers" from the 2001 CD 'Urban Knights IV', just a great piece of good-time music to enjoy as we start this new year.
O.K., go ahead - java, slippers, and that comfortable spot....

We'll talk....

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Ah, I see I have your attention....

Let's talk
Hope your New Year is starting off right. Sorry to hear the news this morning of the death of Denver Bronco's cornerback Darrent Williams, only twenty-four and gone from us already.
Sad way to begin the year, and another reminder to treasure the short time we have been granted here.

I'm starting off this new year with hopes to expand this blog, to make it a place that's not just about Smooth Jazz - but a kinda meeting place for those of us who think alike and share the same interest. I've been using the net for quiet a few years now and frankly I'm pretty tired of having to search all over for the things I'm interested in - the news, the music, the stories that slip through the cracks. So, soon I'll have a lot of links on this blog to connect you to all the wonderful things that interest me.... of course you can help by sending me links to things YOU like also.

Well folks, today is my day off.... I'm starting the new year with a day of rest and refreshing. Spent last night surrounded by people I love at a watch-night service, brought in the new year with joy. My wife (Pat) says that the "old folks" used to say that the way you bring in the new year is the way you'll end it..... so....

This morning's song - From that awesome CD Authentic again, the song "Must Have Been", just click on the link and choose the title from the playlist. But first....
Follow the drill - java, slippers, and that comfortable spot....
Now, go ahead and click!

We'll Talk....